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Well folks, our new album, Openings, will be released on Friday 13th of October 2023 via https://airbridgeprog.bandcamp.com. Although that date worries UK/US folk, in Italy it is considered an auspicious date, and Lorenzo and I enjoy the idea of one thing tickling different cultural reflexes.

I (Dave) will be updating this site over the coming weeks, and will include the ramblings of Lorenzo and I, particularly relating to how Openings came about, where the songs came from, some technical notes, and musings on those things about which we muse.

Keep an eye on our YouTube page because we’ll be posting a couple of videos in advance of the album release https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEUmkzgV159_DsBCK4PkNfg

Other news, comments, and things that cross our varied minds will appear on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AirbridgeOriginal/

Hello, and welcome to our new site.

This version of Airbridge has, at its core, Lorenzo Bedini who’s autobiography you can read somewhere on this site. I (Dave D-A) confess to having little idea of where anything actually goes on this site once it is written, but life is about learning. Besides, who wants technology to work easily anyway? Now, where’s my paper and biro?

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